
  • by Sophia Adam
    WGM Josefine Heinemann gehört zu den besten Schachspielerinnen Deutschlands. Sie wurde zweimal deutsche Jugendmeisterin und wurde mit 17 in die Damen-Nationalmannschaft berufen. Seitdem vertritt sie Deutschland bei internationalen Turnieren wie der Schach-Olympiade. Josefine ist aber nicht nur als Spielerin talentiert, sondern auch als Trainerin. Schon während ihres Studiums der Wirtschaftsmathematik hat sie angefangen, Schach zu […]
  • by Team Chessable
    Como jugadora, Gabriela Vargas Talavera ha hecho historia y ha impuesto récords en Paraguay, su país. Fue la primera mujer paraguaya en obtener elo FIDE y los títulos de Maestra FIDE y Maestra Internacional. También ha sido multi-campeona nacional y jugadora olímpica. Si bien sigue jugando torneos y representando con orgullo a su patria, Gaby […]
  • by Team Chessable
    Few authors can boast about having a course on a chess opening that matches their origin. This is the case of Grandmaster Àlvar Alonso, who hails from Catalonia, Spain, and wrote the highly regarded course Lifetime Repertoires: Alonso’s Catalan. Àlvar is the second youngest Spanish Champion, the winner of the 2018 Sunway Sitges Chess Festival […]
  • by Rafael Alcides
    Pocos autores pueden presumir de tener un curso sobre una apertura de ajedrez que coincida con su propio lugar de origen. Tal es el caso del Gran Maestro Àlvar Alonso, oriundo de Cataluña, España, autor de ¡Catalana! parte 1 y ¡Catalana! parte 2. Àlvar es el segundo Campeón de España más joven, el ganador del […]
  • by Jabe Esguerra
    It took months of anticipation, careful judging, fierce competition… and now, we have the winners! The 2024 Create Your Own Course Contest once again proves that: Valuable, game-changing chess insight can come from any rating level or experience! Our contestants delivered — from razor-sharp attacking lines, elastic defenses, to unique tactics training methods and more! […]
  • by Jabe Esguerra
    From step-by-step piece setups for making  tactics happen… Rare defenses that exploit the gap in every White opening… To tournament-proven opening prep that wins 9 times out of 10… This February roundup has it all!  These new Chessable courses were designed to tilt the practical advantage heavily in your favor… they’re almost like a legal chess cheat […]
  • by Alexey Root
    Inside Washington Square Park’s Street Chess Community In this guest blog post, FM Eugene Choi Yoo introduces us to one of the most famous street chess communities in the world. At Washington Square Park, New York City, chess hustlers view the game as both a passion and a source of income. After spending time there, […]
  • by Alexey Root
    The 2024 Chessable Research Awards had five student winners, including Alex Knopps, the author of this guest blog post. Knopps explores whether solving chess puzzles alone or with a partner leads to better outcomes. His research also accounted for the difficulty of puzzles. The results indicate that there wasn’t much difference between the number of […]
  • by Team Chessable
    Everyone aspires to play the best move in chess. But playing for positions you excel in can be just as game-winning… Which is the theme of our February roundup. Kicking things off is our latest Variation Preview update. Now, buying a course gives back all of your free variation tokens. So you can keep sampling courses that tickle your […]
  • by Team Chessable
    The year was 2017. GM Eugene Perelshteyn was playing in the 2nd round of the Isle of Man International Tournament. He was facing Magnus Carlsen, the reigning World Chess Champion. Having prepared a bold, double-pawn sacrifice for one of his students, Perelshteyn found himself in the unique position of putting the same idea into practice […]