Name: Nathan Barnes NECL player_id: 359 Member of Colchester
and Clacton clubs
| Game & Rating History All seasons: OTB rated:
Date | Event type | Div /Rnd | Event/Teams | Play | Rate | Brd | Col | Result | Opponent | Opp. grade |
Tue 12-Mar-2024 | League | 1 | BRENTWOOD A v COLCHESTER B | OTB | SP | 2 | b | draw | Gavin Hughes | 1971 |
Wed 03-Apr-2024 | League | 1 | COLCHESTER B v MALDON | OTB | SP | 1 | w | win | Oliver Froom | 2034 |
Mon 27-May-2024 | League | 1 | CHELMSFORD A v COLCHESTER B | OTB | SP | 2 | b | loss | Elliot Cocks | 2050 |
Wed 29-May-2024 | League | 1 | COLCHESTER A v BRENTWOOD A | OTB | SP | 4 | b | win | Robert Davies | 1715 |
Colour | Played | Wins | Draws | Losses |
White | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
Black | 3 | 1 | 1 | 1 |